Island Invasives 2026
Charting the Future
Submissions Open: 3 March 2025 (NZT)
From 3 March 2025, papers will be invited for presentation at the conference, in the form of either a talk or a poster. Papers may be submitted on any topic relating to invasive alien species on islands, where the term ‘island’ is broadly interpreted in terrestrial, marine and freshwater systems. The invasive species involved may be flora, fauna or funga. The goal of the conference is knowledge transfer that enables accelerated uptake of eradication methodologies which will enhance biodiversity and the lives of people on islands around the world. The conference continues its resolute focus on the complete eradication of invasive species of any taxa from islands or island-like bodies.
Types of Presentation
- Oral Presentation (15 min talk including questions)
- Poster Presentation (A0)
ORAL PRESENTATIONS will normally be based on a Microsoft POWERPOINT presentation. Speakers must deliver their file on a memory stick, properly labelled, to the dedicated speaker desk at the conference, no later than 24 hrs before their talk. Speakers scheduled to be in action on the first day should deliver their file no later than the end of the first plenary session (the formal opening of the conference).
To avoid scheduling chaos and allow everyone to know when a particular speaker is presenting, talks must start promptly on time, at 15-min intervals. Speakers will be allocated 12 minutes presentation time, followed by 3 minutes for questions and changeover.
All rooms have PCs with up-to-date Microsoft Office and data projectors. Presentations should be set to 16:9 screen ratio and must use PowerPoint or PDF.
POSTERS will be allocated space equivalent to a standard A0 sheet of paper (1189mm high x 841mm wide) but may comprise multiple smaller sheets fitting within that space. We recommend including an image of yourself on your poster. We also recommend bringing copies of your poster as an A4 handout for interested delegates to take away. Presenters should bring their posters already printed as there are no onsite printing facilities for this size. All posters will be displayed in the foyers for the duration of the conference. Upon arrival, visit the registration desk for assistance.
How to Submit
Step 1: Create your Submission Account
To submit your work, visit the Island Invasives online submission portal (click submit now above) and create an account. Be sure to note your username and password, as you will need them to log in later during the submission process.
The individual who creates the account will receive all correspondence related to the submission. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the presenting author also serves as the submitter.
Step 2: Submit your Abstract
All papers should initially be offered in the form of an Abstract, the format of which is also given below. Abstracts must be submitted online by no later than 27 June 2025. They will then be evaluated and scored by an expert panel.
Formatting your Abstract
- Titles should not exceed 15 words
- Abstract body text should not exceed 300 words
- Text can be typed directly into the appropriate plain text box, or copied and pasted from a file generated by, e.g., Microsoft WORD not uploaded as a document
Step 3: Author Notification
All abstracts will be notified of the evaluation panel’s decision by 11 Aug 2025. Presenters seeking early notification of Abstract acceptance (e.g. to be given consent to attend the meeting) should make their submission at least two months before their deadline, and specify by when they need to be notified.
The number of spoken presentations will be limited by time constraints. If the number of papers offered for spoken presentation exceeds the number of available spaces, as is likely, spaces will be allocated on the basis of Abstract score. In these circumstances, conference attendees should expect to be limited to one spoken presentation. Papers not accepted for spoken presentation, and those submitted for poster presentation, will be allocated poster display space.
Step 4: Registration
All presenting authors must have a fully paid registration for the conference no later than 7 November 2025 after which, all presentations without registered presenting authors will be withdrawn from the conference programme.
Step 5: Submit your Paper
Full paper guidelines available at this link and full manuscript template available at this link.
The submission of full papers is a requirement for all oral presentations and is welcome for poster presentations. Manuscripts will be published as conference proceedings following the conference. Manuscripts must be submitted via the submission portal no later than 23 January 2026. All submissions will be subject to peer review. Papers may be required to be amended, or in rare cases may be rejected, at the discretion of the Editor. The Proceedings will be published online by the IUCN, in the same series as for the three previous conferences*. Submitted manuscripts should conform to the style required by the IUCN. Instructions for authors relevant to our conference proceedings may be downloaded here.
Student Awards
An expert panel will score all presentations given by students and entered for the competition. Awards and certificates will be given for the best student talk and the best student poster. To qualify, students must be registered with a recognised Institution or must have been so registered when the presented work was carried out. Please indicate in the appropriate box at the time of Abstract submission if you wish your paper to be considered for an award.